A Diet for Those Suffering from Schizophrenia

A Diet for Those Suffering from Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder that tends to appear during late adolescence or early adulthood. It is a progressive disorder which manifests as hallucinations, delusions, and other cognitive difficulties. Other symptoms can include a severe lack of motivation, social withdrawal, distorted thoughts, and an inability to concentrate, plan, or organize. Presently, there is no cure for schizophrenia but with proper treatment; the symptoms can be managed.

According to research, certain foods, if consumed regularly, are able to help individuals suffering from the condition manage it better. The following foods should be included in a regular diet for schizophrenia patients:

1. Vegetables
Patients should eat vegetables daily. One can refer to their dietician for the daily intake of nutrients required. Vegetables like kidney beans and sweet potatoes have potassium, a key ingredient for schizophrenia diets.

2. Fruits
A good quantity of fruits such as raspberries, pears, and apples should also be a part of the daily diet of schizophrenic patients. If the patient does not prefer eating fruits directly, then fruit juices can be an alternative.

3. Fiber-rich food
Foods for schizophrenia patients should include a lot of fiber. Some food items with high fiber content are brown rice, muesli, and brown bread.

4. Fish
Fish should become a regular food item on the menu for individuals suffering from this condition as they contain omega-3 fatty acids. Examples of fish that should be consumed are salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, etc.

5. Water and Juices
Keeping the body hydrated throughout the day is a necessity for patients suffering from this medical condition.  Along with sufficient water, the patients can also have fruit and vegetable juices daily or on a regular basis.

6. Starchy foods
Starchy food such as potato helps individuals manage the condition and hence should be included in the diet.

7. Antioxidants and vitamins
Foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins should be included in the meals. When taken with folic acid, vitamin B12 can play a huge role in improving the symptoms of schizophrenia. Aside from this, vitamins C and E are also essential to improve one’s condition.

The foods for schizophrenia patients should not contain an excess of sugar, salt and saturated fats. It would be healthier if patients tried to eat only home-cooked meals most of the time. The intake of beverages such as tea and coffee should be restricted or consumed in moderation as they have the ability to escalate the symptoms of the disease. Energy drinks and alcohol intake should be limited. It is preferable to consult one’s doctor and dietician for a proper diet chart if one is diagnosed with this disease.

People suffering from schizophrenia do not have the easiest life and since the condition cannot be cured, they will have to live with it all their lives. But patients and their caregivers should not lose hope as, with the relevant treatments and the consumption of certain foods for schizophrenia, symptoms can be kept in control.