5 Lifestyle Changes to Manage Lupus
Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks healthy cells and tissues. The condition causes damage to organs in chronic cases, and patients may need organ replacement. Women between the ages of 15 and 45 are more likely to develop the condition, but some lifestyle tips are beneficial for managing lupus and alleviating the symptoms. This condition can be effectively managed by managing the food consumed and keeping stress levels under control. This article lists out some lifestyle tips for lupus that can be followed by patients to help manage the illness: 1. Avoid sunburns Lupus patients should avoid being out in the sun for a longer period as it increases the rashes or their severity and can trigger the condition on other parts of the skin as well. If stepping out in the sun is inevitable, patients should cover their full body and use sunscreen with an SPF of 50 or more. It is important to not avoid wearing sunglasses as well, and patients can rely on supplements instead of the sun for their vitamin D requirements. 2. Rest and digest Lupus can cause fatigue and exhaustion, and patients need to get enough sleep and rest to manage the condition effectively and prevent it from taking a toll on their overall health.