Alternative Treatments for ADHD

Alternative Treatments for ADHD

Today, more and more people are suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and resorting to over-the-counter medicines to treat the same. People suffering from ADHD are looking for drug-free solutions as the medicines have many side effects. However, there are natural remedies for ADHD that can provide significant relief.

ADHD drugs help improve the symptoms by aiding the neurotransmitters to work efficiently. Neurotransmitters help send signals between the neurons in the brain and the body. There are many medications that act as stimulants helping in avoiding distractions and enhancing concentration levels. These medications can help with some of the symptoms of ADHD, but they also have several side effects such as sleep problems, mood swings, heart problems, suicidal thoughts, and so on.

Many medications for ADHD can also work in conjunction with the following natural remedies (always check with your doctor first):

1. Add fish oil
Omega-3 fatty acids are great for your brain health and there are myriad reasons why it complements a healthy diet. It can also treat the symptoms of ADHD. Research states that it may increase serotonin and dopamine levels and lower stress in people suffering from ADHD. Add more fish and plant-based Omega-3s such as flax seeds and chia seeds to your diet. Consider supplementation to get enough of it into your daily diet. This is a highly effective natural remedy for ADHD.

2. Melatonin
Sleep is great for your memory and gut health, and one of the best natural remedies for ADHD. If you are having sleep issues, then consider taking melatonin every night. This promises quality shut-eye and brings your hormones into balance. Start with a low dose and then gradually work your way up.

3. Zinc and magnesium
A zinc-rich diet consisting of meat, legumes, seeds, nuts, and other foods gives a boost to your immune system and enables in protein-synthesis in the body, supporting cell membrane growth. Consider getting yourself tested before you consider supplementation as too much of zinc can cause other side-effects. Magnesium supplements are useful for people who are deficient in the mineral. Magnesium in the right dosage can instill calmness and help combat hyperactivity.

4. Dietary changes
Steer clear of processed foods and chemicals; this is one of the most important natural remedies for ADHD. Ensure you eat a diet rich in fruits, veggies, legumes, fish, nuts, and seeds and reduce or eliminate artificial sweeteners, sugar, MSG, and caffeine. Emphasize on incorporating wholesome fresh foods and eliminating foods causing you distress.

It may take some trial and error to find the right solution, but once you find the right natural remedies for ADHD, it will create a vast difference to your health. Follow an elimination diet to find out what is increasing the symptoms and what is reducing your symptoms. This will boost your health.