Do’s and Don’ts of Natural Lawn Care

Do’s and Don’ts of Natural Lawn Care

Caring for a lawn is much easier than you think. It just requires a certain level of patience. If you are passionate about lawn care, here are some important do’s and don’ts to help you out. Do read on if you are a beginner to lawn care. With these natural green lawn care tips, you will be able to see your lawn thrive:

1. Conduct pest monitoring regularly
Have you ever felt that despite putting so much effort into your lawn, your plants seem to be deteriorating? One of the best things you can do is to check your lawn for pests. Preferably, you should check your lawn for pests every 7-10 days. This is especially necessary if you see brown patches in your lawn. These mean that there is a high chance that your lawn is under pest attack.

2. Don’t skip the professional pest control
As a new lawn owner, you may not be equipped to deal with all kinds of pests. If you skip dealing with pests, all your gardening efforts will go in vain. So, seek professional help. Professional pest controls have the right products and tools to get pests out of your lawn so that your plants stay in the best of health.

3. Do your lawn’s work as per the season
Lawn work varies as per the seasonal transition. For instance, in autumn, if there are any fallen leaves, rake them up. This is important as if you neglect these leaves, they may suffocate the new sprouts and leave dead spots in the spring season. Just before winter, your lawn may become vulnerable to molds. To protect your lawn from molds, you should mow your lawn at least 40 to 50 mm high. This is also called hard mowing.

4. Don‘t dethatch a lot
From a list of natural green lawn care tips, here is a great one. Dethatching, also known as vertimowing, is a method in which a powered rotary rake-like device is used to tear out the matted dead grass which is present below the area where there is green growth. This is a process if not done in control can seriously damage roots and grass alike. For instance, it may put a lot of stress on the grass. The best time to detach is when at least 6mm or more thatch is accumulated.

5. Have a consistent approach towards lawn maintenance
Finally, you must remember that lawn care is not a one-day game. It takes a lot of patience and consistency, only then will you be able to achieve a lush green lawn that you have always dreamt of. Additionally, you can keep a helper who can take charge of your lawn if you are on a vacation or while you are away. This is necessary if you plan to go away for extended periods.