Foods to Help Manage Asthma

Foods to Help Manage Asthma

Asthma is a condition in which the airways become narrow, irritated, and inflamed. This disease affects the lungs and can affect individuals of all demographics. It can lead to serious complications if not managed and treated properly. People with this condition have difficulty breathing, making it difficult for them to indulge in most activities and have a normal life. Common symptoms include shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest.

Food has always been used as a supplementary method of treatment for most conditions and asthma is no different. While dietary changes cannot be the primary mode of treatment for asthma and allergies, it can go a long way in helping control its symptoms. This article talks about a few foods to manage asthma and allergies related to it. It will also explore the connection between dairy foods and asthma.

1. Dairy foods and asthma
Asthma and allergies tend to go hand in hand, especially since the latter triggers the former so often. A common myth is that dairy products also have the ability to cause or trigger asthma, but this has not been scientifically proven yet. Even if individuals are allergic to dairy, it could not cause asthma or trigger it. However, an allergy to milk and milk products can trigger a food allergy, which can consequently trigger an asthma attack.

If individuals have been diagnosed with both dairy allergy and asthma, then the condition becomes more troublesome. Symptoms of dairy allergies are similar to that of asthma symptoms. If both attacks occur at the same time, it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe comfortably. This can then result in the condition of anaphylaxis, which in turn, leads to low blood pressure. In such a situation, the individual requires immediate medical attention. It is thus extremely essential that individuals having dairy allergy are careful of what they consume, lest they end up triggering other medical conditions like asthma due to it.

2. Foods to manage asthma and allergies
There is no specific research detailing the link between food and asthma, but some food items can help manage asthma and allergies and can also improve one’s overall health.

  • Vitamin D

It has been proven scientifically that asthma patients have low levels of vitamin D. Hence, patients should take supplements of vitamin D or even better; spend some time outdoors in the sunlight daily.

  • Fish

Fish is among the best foods to manage asthma and allergies. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and help to curb and prevent the symptoms of asthma.

  • Vegetables and fruits

Among the foods to manage asthma and allergies, including vegetables and fruits in the diet regularly helps maintain good health. They are rich in minerals and vitamins and fruits like bananas may also decrease wheezing in children with asthma due to their antioxidant and potassium content.

Asthma patients should know what food(s) they are allergic to and avoid them to prevent attacks. It is crucial for them to read the contents mentioned on the package if they are purchasing processed foods, cereals, and other food items off the shelf.

It is also extremely important for them to avoid sulfites, which have the ability to trigger asthma attacks.