Foods to Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

Foods to Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

A type of cancer that develops in the prostate gland, an organ that is a part of the male reproductive system, is known as prostate cancer. The main function of this gland is to produce fluid for semen. The prostate tumor grows slowly and usually remains confined to the prostate gland. However, some types of prostate cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body especially to the bones and lymph nodes.

Family history, age, genetic mutation, and environmental factors might play a role in the development of prostate cancer. The stage at which prostate cancer is detected, medical history, and age are some factors that influence the type of treatment that would be recommended. Medications, lifestyle changes, diet, and surgery are some options that can help in reducing the symptoms of prostate cancer. Some foods can be effective home remedies for prostate cancer and help to prevent it. These include:

1. Cooked tomatoes
An antioxidant called lycopene, which is found in tomatoes, helps in accessing the antioxidants present in the body and send it to the prostate. It is essential to cook the tomatoes so that the cell walls are loosened and the lycopene is released easily. Intake of cooked tomatoes is one of the best natural home remedies for prostate cancer as it prevents this type of cancer and helps in reducing symptoms. Drinking tomato juice is also beneficial and has the same effect.

2. Fish
Including fish in one’s diet is also a remedy for many other health issues. Salmon, trout, and cod are some types of fish that should be included in one’s diet. People eating fish are at a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

3. Green tea
Rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, drinking green tea is one of the recommended home remedies for prostate cancer. The constituents of green tea help in reducing prostate cancer cells without harming healthy cells.

4. Broccoli
An underrated vegetables and a great source of protein, consuming broccoli is one of the effective home remedies for prostate cancer. The compounds found in broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables, help in reducing the chances of developing prostate cancer. They also destroy cancerous cells without harming the healthy ones.

5. Pomegranate
Also known as a miracle fruit, pomegranate contains antioxidants that not only destroy prostate cancer cells but are also effective in relieving many chronic diseases. Including it in one’s diet could perhaps be one of the best home remedies for prostate cancer, as it prevents the growth of cancer-producing cells and helps in strengthening the function of the prostate gland.

6. Mushrooms
Lentinan present in mushrooms helps prevent cancer cells from developing. It also has antioxidants that help protect the body cells and prevent cancerous cells from spreading.