How to Prevent Melanoma Skin Cancer
Melanoma is one of the deadliest, most serious kinds of skin cancer, developing in melanocytes (skin cells) which produce melanin (pigment lending the skin its color). There are no definite ways for the prevention of melanoma, with some risk factors such as family history, race, and age being uncontrollable. However, there are things one can do to lower the risk of getting melanoma and other skin cancers.
The following are some of the ways to prevent melanoma:
1. Limiting exposure to UV rays
One of the most important and easiest ways to lower the risk of getting melanoma is by protecting yourself from exposure to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
2. Covering up and seeking shade
One cannot avoid going out in the sun. So, one needs to practice sun safety when they are outdoors. Wear hats or cover your head with cotton stoles while stepping out. Wear full-sleeved tops and bottoms, as well as closed footwear. Use wraparound sunglasses for protecting the eyes and the sensitive skin around it. Simply stay under a shade to limit one’s ultraviolet ray exposure.
3. Always applying sunscreen
The one rule while going outdoors in the sun in order to avoid and prevent melanoma is slopping on sunscreen. It is one of the simplest ways one can protect and take care of themselves.
4. Avoiding sunlamps and tanning beds
It is a widely believed myth that the ultraviolet rays of tanning beds are harmless. The UV rays given off by tanning lamps could end up causing long-term damage to the skin and could contribute to melanoma or skin cancer. The use of tanning beds has been linked to increased risks of melanoma, especially if it is happening before the person hits 30 years of age. Most health organizations and dermatologists recommend not using sunlamps and tanning beds. This will help in the prevention of melanoma.
5. Be informed about sun safety
You need to know more about how to protect yourself and your loved ones from ultraviolet exposure. So, read up and consult doctors about safety and prevention of melanoma.
6. Protecting children from the sun
Children, in particular, need special attention, given the amount of time they tend to spend outdoors. They also tend to burn more easily, given their sensitive skin. Caregivers and parents need to protect children from excess sun exposure by employing all the above steps and teach them the importance of the dangers of too much sun exposure as they grow up.
7. Watching for abnormal moles
Checking and examining your skin regularly could help you spot any abnormal, new moles or other outgrowths. These can be shown to the doctor, allowing you to be safe even before they have a chance to turn cancerous. What’s more, certain types of moles are likelier to develop into melanoma, so seeing a doctor is imperative.
8. Avoiding weakening the immune system
A weakened, insipid immune system increases the risk of getting all types of skin cancer, including melanoma. People with diseases such as cancer, HIV, and other cases where people need to take medications for suppressing the immune system pose to be vulnerable to types of cancer.