Manage Bipolar Disorder with These 5 Foods

Manage Bipolar Disorder with These 5 Foods

Bipolar disorder is a condition where an individual suffers from extreme mood swings, ranging from manic happiness to depressive lows. It has no permanent cure, but with the right medication, diet, and lifestyle changes, it can be kept under control. The most common form of treatment for this condition is medication, followed by therapy, but not supplementing these with a proper diet will not help much.

Finding the right foods for bipolar disorder will not only improve one’s health, but also keep the symptoms of the condition under control, enabling one to lead a normal life.

Five foods that can help one manage bipolar disorder include the following:

1. Beans
Bean varieties such as chick-peas, pinto beans, black beans, soybeans, lima beans, and mung are rich sources of vitamin B9 and magnesium. It has been found through research that the lack of vitamin B9 is one of the reasons for bipolar disorder.
The presence of magnesium will aid in reducing the mania symptoms in people with this disorder. It is believed that magnesium-rich foods for bipolar disorder can help improve one’s mood and apart from that, one can also gain the required fiber and nutrients in their diet.

2. Nuts
Nuts such as peanuts, almonds, and cashews are very high in magnesium. Walnuts, which is known as the king of nuts, is low in fat, cholesterol-free and contains vitamins such as E, B6, B9, and proteins. Nuts also contain omega-3 fatty acids along with antioxidants.
This food item helps in calming an over-reacted nervous response by keeping the levels of cortisol in check. A lack of this food item in a diet for bipolar disorder patients can thus lead to an increase in their stress levels.

3. Dark chocolate
There are mood-lifting ingredients in cocoa beans, such as phenylethylamine, which relieves the depression syndrome. Concentrated dark chocolate contains high amounts of phenylethylamine.
It has been found that eating 1.5 ounces of dark chocolate every day for two weeks can reduce hormonal stress. Besides, chocolate is one of the most brilliant comfort foods for bipolar disorder.

4. Salmon
Baked or grilled salmon is of the healthiest foods for individuals suffering from bipolar disorder. Salmon contains an abundant amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which is essential for developing healthy minds and bodies. It also contains tyrosine, which helps the body to develop neurotransmitters that aids in stabilizing mood. These neurotransmitters are known as norepinephrine and dopamine.
Omega-3 fatty acids are also great for the heart to function properly. You can also consume other types of cold-water fish in your diet such as sardines, tuna, mackerel, etc. to achieve the same result.

5. Turkey
Due to the high content of tryptophan, which is a type of amino acid, turkey is one of the necessary foods for bipolar disorder patients. Tryptophan, besides promoting sleep, also aids your body to generate serotonin, which is a brain chemical that stabilizes the mood.

High levels of serotonin help to relieve the symptoms of mania symptoms in patients with bipolar disorder. In case it is difficult to obtain this meat, one can try tofu, eggs or cheese, as these foods also contain tryptophan.