Mouth-Watering Snack Options for Diabetics

Mouth-Watering Snack Options for Diabetics

It is common knowledge that people with diabetes need to have a restricted diet as the consumption of carbohydrates like cereals, desserts, bread, and pasta can cause blood sugar levels to spike. However, this does not mean they need to follow a monotonous diet plan that consists of bland food. All that a diabetic needs is healthy food that is low in fat, sugar, and salt.

Having low-fat or low-sugar food does not mean that a diabetic needs to eat only to survive and cannot indulge in delicious food to satiate their taste buds. People with diabetes can also enjoy lip-smacking food. Here are some snacks for diabetes patients that are healthy and keep blood sugar levels in control:

1. Boiled eggs
A hard-boiled egg is a healthy snack for diabetics. One boiled egg contains around 6 grams of protein, which helps in keeping blood sugar levels under control. A diabetic can have two hard-boiled eggs as is, or they can be garnished with a topping of choice.

2. Avocados
Avocados are one of the healthiest snack options for diabetes patients as they can help in managing blood sugar levels. The factors that make avocado diabetes-friendly are mono-unsaturated fatty acids and its high fiber content. Although avocados are a high-calorie fruit, a diabetic can have one-fourth or one-third of an avocado. The fruit can also be used to prepare guacamole (an avocado dip).

3. Apple and peanut butter
An apple contains several nutrients like vitamin B, potassium, and vitamin C. On the other hand, peanut butter provides manganese, vitamin E, and magnesium. Both apple and peanut butter are rich in fiber and help manage diabetes, making them good snacks for people with diabetes. A diabetic can have an ounce of peanut butter with a medium-sized apple and can also substitute the apple with other fruits like pears or bananas that have similar health benefits.

4. Roasted chickpeas
A cup of roasted chickpeas provides around 13 grams of fiber and 15 grams of protein, which makes it an excellent snack option for people with diabetes. The best thing about this snack is that it is delicious and also helps lower blood sugar levels. Chickpeas can be roasted in olive oil and preferred seasoning.

5. Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese is rich in protein, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids, and a person with diabetes can have around twenty-five grams of cottage cheese. Plain cottage cheese can be eaten as is, or it can be combined with fruit or tomatoes for a healthy and filling snack.

6. Popcorn
Popcorn is a simple and easy-to-cook whole-grain snack item, and it is also one of the best snacks for diabetes patients. A cup of popcorn has only 31 calories, which helps control blood sugar levels and also aids weight control. Also, it contains fiber, which makes it a diabetes-friendly food.

Apart from the mentioned options, diabetics can have a handful of almonds, black bean salad, beef sticks, yogurt with berries, or soy products for snacks. They help in satiating food cravings and also manage blood sugar levels.