Natural Methods to Treat Nasal Congestion

Natural Methods to Treat Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion can be caused by common allergies. It can also occur due to sinusitis, which is an inflammation of your sinus tissues, and cold. Your nasal passage secrets mucus and in the process, it ensures that your throat, air passages, and your sinuses remain moist. But at times, your nasal passages could get blocked. In other instances, an overproduction of mucus can cause your nose to drip.

If you are unable to cope with your current condition, then you may want to check out these home remedies for nasal congestion or talk to your doctor:

1. Aromatherapy
At times, a simple cold or even an allergy attack can inflame your sinus, resulting in nasal congestion and a blocked nose. But you can mitigate some of that discomfort with home remedies for nasal congestion. Using essential oils such as eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, and other essential oils can be helpful. You can use a diffuser or rub the essential oils on your chest, as you head to bed. It should help lessen some of the discomfort and enable you to breathe better.

2. Steam therapy
Nasal congestion often causes the mucus to thicken, thereby making it harder for it to be drained naturally. This will lead to your nose getting blocked. That’s why you may want to try steam therapy as it can help your mucus to become thinner and ease your discomfort. Boil some water and use a thick towel to cover your head as you bend over the bowl and breathe in the hot steam – this is one of the best home remedies for nasal congestion.

3. Always stay hydrated
If you have a heavy cold, then it is highly likely that you would feel fatigued and dehydrated. You must drink enough fluids to replace the lost moisture in your sinus passage as well as your body. Avoiding caffeine while your nose is congested is one of the best home remedies for nasal congestion to keep in mind.

4. Nasal irrigation
This is an effective home remedy for nasal congestion. You can use a neti pot, bulb syringes, or just gently wash your nasal passages. You have to use a saline solution; dissolve some sea salt in distilled water, and add a pinch of baking soda. Now, you have a homemade saline solution and all you need to do is to gently irrigate your nasal passages with it. This should help ease the discomfort and the associated pain. One of the great things about nasal irrigation is that it can also help clear away the bacteria and other irritants from your nasal passages.

5. Chicken soup
Apart from resting for a while, you can try some home-made chicken soup. Several studies have conclusively shown that chicken soup can help reduce inflammation in your sinuses and even clear up the congestion as well.

These are some of the natural home remedies for nasal congestion that you may want to try out.