Natural Ways to Prevent Fleas and Ticks in Pets

Natural Ways to Prevent Fleas and Ticks in Pets

Fleas and ticks are a common problem in pets. Due to a change in season or being outdoors, pets tend to get these little pests on their bodies. Many ointments are applied to get rid of them, but some pets might react to chemicals and suffer symptoms like skin allergy, vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures. No ointment can be 100% natural, so it is always better to opt for natural flea and tick prevention methods.

Here are some natural methods that are helpful in getting rid of ticks and fleas:

1. Citrus juice
Fleas are repelled by citrus, so it is best to take the juice from a freshly squeezed orange or lemon and rub it on your pet’s fur and watch those insects fall off. However, remember to take the juice out of the rind of the fruit as it has limonene, an effective insect repellent. You might need special equipment to extract the rind juice. This is a great natural method to get rid of fleas and ticks.

2. Natural oils
Essential oils are the best for natural fleas and tick prevention. They can be diluted and used as sprays on the skin or added to the shampoo to keep these pests away. However, do not overdo it as your pet has a strong sense of smell, and too much of the oil might irritate him. Do not apply these oils on the pet’s face. Lavender, peppermint, lemongrass, and cedar oil work well but only use them in diluted form. Another favorite is neem oil. Rose geranium oil works well too.

3. Coconut oil
It is excellent for getting rid of fleas due to its lauric acid content. It can be rubbed through the coat or given orally. It also works as a good moisturizer and is an effective natural flea and tick prevention option.

4. Fresh crushed garlic
Add half a clove to 2 cloves of garlic to your dog’s food daily. It is highly beneficial for preventing fleas and ticks.

5. Make your own treatment
Pour a quart of boiling water over a thinly sliced lemon and let it remain overnight. Drain the lemon water and pour it into a glass spray bottle. Add ten drops of citronella oil and lemongrass oil each. Add one cup of vinegar, either white distilled or apple cider vinegar. Add a few drops of cedarwood oil. Keep this potion in the refrigerator and apply on your pet’s coat daily.

6. Comb thoroughly
Natural flea and tick prevention methods include grooming your pet well. Get a flea comb for your pet and comb through his fur at least once a day. Make him sit or lie down on a white sheet while doing so to see if any flea or tick drop or if there is any flea dirt. You could dab some petroleum jelly on the tip of the comb as fleas stick to it.

7. Bathing
Bathe your pet every week, especially if it has fleas and ticks. Rubbing the skin with shampoo or soap and then brushing the fur is a good way of getting rid of these pests.

Use these simple and easy natural flea and tick prevention methods. They will not only help in keeping your pets tick-free.