Remedies to Reduce Dry Eye Symptoms

Remedies to Reduce Dry Eye Symptoms

Dry eyes is a syndrome where the eyes don’t produce enough tears. It is one of the most common reasons for people to visit an eye doctor. A layer of tears on the surface is essential to keep the eyes healthy. Dry eye syndrome is a condition that is caused due to the lack of sufficient moisture and lubrication on the surface of the eyes.

Dry eyes lead to irritation, inflammation, or even scarring on the front surface of the eyes. Symptoms of dry eyes include a burning sensation, heavy eyes, sore eyes, dryness in the eyes, and might even cause red eyes. More extreme symptoms are blurred vision and photophobia. A common symptom reported by most people with dry eyes is the feeling that there is an object or particle in the eye.

There are several effective ways of treating dry eyes. Here are some of the natural treatments for dry eyes:

1. Warm compress
To ease the discomfort caused by dry eyes, you can use a warm compress on the eyes. Take a clean cloth wet with warm water and place it over your closed eyes. Gently press the edge of the eyelid to help any clogged oils to be squeezed out. This is one of the most effective natural treatments for dry eyes.

2. Wash crusty lashes
Keeping your eyelids and the surrounding skin clean can help reduce the inflammation on the eyelids. You can use a drop of baby shampoo or mild soap to clean the region.

3. Blink more
Starting at a computer for long periods of time can aggravate the symptoms. Ensure that you blink enough and give your eyes the rest they need from the screen.

4. Wear wraparound sunglasses
You can use wraparound sunglasses when you are outside to prevent your eyes from becoming dry due to the wind. When at home, aim the hairdryer, fan, or air conditioner away from your eyes.

5. Dietary changes to help treat dry eyes

  • Omega 3 fatty acids

Oily fish like sardines, tuna, trout, and salmon contain high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids. These are healthy fats that ensure the glands that make oil in the eye work more efficiently. Other foods that are natural treatments for dry eyes are walnuts, flaxseeds, and vegetable oils.

  • Vitamin D

Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to dry eyes according to several studies. Ensure that you have foods that contain an adequate amount of this vitamin.

  • Vitamin A

Vitamin A is linked to the health of the eyes. Deficiency in this vitamin is known to cause vision loss, light sensitivity, corneal ulcers, dry eyes, and even blindness. Ensure that you consume foods like leafy vegetables, orange vegetables, fruits, and eggs as they have plenty of Vitamin A.

  • Stay hydrated

It is essential to drink plenty of water, especially for people who have dry eyes. Do not wait to get thirsty to drink water; instead, aim to drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water throughout the day. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as they can cause dehydration.