Surprising Ways to Reduce Acne Inflammation and Breakouts

Surprising Ways to Reduce Acne Inflammation and Breakouts

Acne is a skin condition that causes inflammation and is considered a chronic condition. Individuals suffering from acne are affected by pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. Though it is a common occurrence during puberty due to the over-secretion from the sebaceous glands, it can occur in persons of any age group. It mostly occurs on the face, back, neck, shoulders, and chest. Acne sufferers should not worry as there are a lot of natural acne cures.

Below are a few ways in which one can reduce acne inflammation and breakouts. Affected persons can try the various natural acne cures available that do not harm the skin.

1. Limit the use of skincare products
If you are liable to suffer from acne, then you need to reduce the number of skincare products you use. Additionally, if a product of a particular brand works well on your skin, don’t change it. If you do want to start using a new product, then do a trial of it before starting to use it regularly. Many skincare brands offer products with 100% natural ingredients.

2. Choose the perfect makeup remover
Removing makeup for acne-prone individuals is a must but choosing the wrong makeup remover can escalate acne inflammation and breakouts. So, it is necessary to choose one with ingredients that suit your skin. Every night, makeup should be removed and the face washed properly. Makeup brushes should be cleaned at regular intervals. You can also choose a variety of homemade masks and scrubs as natural acne cures.

3. Facial hair removal
There is a possibility that facial hair removal with the use of either wax or other means leads to acne breakouts. Experts recommend using non-comedogenic products for facial hair removal as it does not clog the pores and cause inflammation which ultimately leads to acne breakout.

4. Wash your spectacles
If you use spectacles, it is advisable that you clean it once a day properly to remove the presence of skin residue or sebum if present.

5. Avoid sunburns
Try to avoid getting sunburn as this leads to the creation of more sebum on the skin that ultimately leads to severe acne breakouts.

6. Hair Care products
The use of hair care products is common but for acne sufferers, this can be a cause of concern as it may lead to inflammation resulting in acne breakout when the product, especially while using a spray applicator, touches the skin. For acne-prone people, it can lead to the trapping of bacteria causing acne in your pores.

It should be noted that acne is not a life-threatening medical condition but it does leave scars on the skin. It can be categorized as mild, moderate and severe. Natural acne cures and home remedies can be used to reduce inflammation and acne breakouts. These natural acne cures are simple to follow and very effective if done regularly.