Tips for Buying Medicines for Pets Online

Tips for Buying Medicines for Pets Online

Having a pet is a major responsibility. It needs love, care, and attention. Pets have similar needs to a baby, and their health can be fragile. So it is essential to take care of their medicines, vaccinations, and food. Raising a pet can be expensive as the medicines and vaccinations are quite costly, and so is pet food. Hence, it is advisable to look at cheaper alternatives.

Buying pet medicines online works out to be convenient and less expensive. It saves you a trip to the store every time the medicines are over. It does not require a lot of effort and is cost-effective. However, you should shop with caution as there are a lot of brands to choose from. Here are some tips to keep in mind while buying pet meds online.

1. Why are online pet meds cheaper?
Online pet med companies purchase pet medicines in large quantities at wholesale prices, unlike veterinary clinics that have markup to pet medications. Online pet pharmacies do not have overhead costs of storage that a local vet has. Thus, this saving is passed onto the customer.

2. Risks of buying online
Buying pet meds online can be risky as there can be bogus players too, selling fake medicines. Hence, it is essential to be vigilant and careful from where you order the medication. Here are some tips for buying pet meds online.

3. Source locally
Ensure that the company is based in the U.S. Domestic players are bound by laws and are overseen by relevant local, state, and federal laws, unlike offshore players that can illegally ship meds to the country. So look for the pharmacy’s physical location and a contact number.

4. Approved sites only
All internet pharmacies need to be licensed by the Board of Pharmacy for the state where they are based out of. Enter the company’s URL into LegitScript and check its authenticity. Also, check for the LegitScript seal of approval that is often displayed on the website. This indicates that the online pharmacy follows the laws and regulations of their State Board of Pharmacy, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Drug Enforcement Administration.

5. Vet-VIPPS seals
One of the crucial tips for buying pet meds online is to check if the online pharmacy has the Vet-VIPPS (Veterinary-Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites) seal. Such pharmacies are in agreement with all federal and state regulations and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy safety standards. Also, check if the online pharmacy has pharmacists on board because it is mandatory to have trained professionals to be able to answer client queries.

6. Read the customer reviews
Read reviews about the pharmacy. Visit the Better Business Bureau’s website and check if they are listed. They should be on their list if they are reliable.

7. Get recommendations from your vet
Lastly, check with your veterinarian for a recommendation. Their advice would be trusted as they work with distributors regularly.

9. Shop securely
Check if the website of the online pharmacy is secure and the transactions are secured by VeriSign. There are many money laundering cases these days, so users need to be alert. Users should check if the online pet pharmacy follows the privacy policy and never shares your information without prior consent.