Tips to Get Rid of Bad Breath Naturally

Tips to Get Rid of Bad Breath Naturally

Bad breath generally develops due to the build-up of plaque in the mouth, and people with poor dental health are prone to developing a foul smell in their mouth. Many may not realize that they have bad breath until someone else points it out, which can cause discomfort to other people around them. However, natural remedies for bad breath can be used to get relief from this effectively and quickly.

Natural remedies are much more beneficial in curing any disease as they are free of side effects, which is not the case with medications. Here are some beneficial natural remedies for bad breath:

1. Maintain proper dental hygiene
According to studies, the most common cause of bad breath is the poor condition of the gums and teeth. One needs to maintain both the gums and teeth, and regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste is beneficial in lowering the risk of plaque build-up, which leads to bad breath.

2. Drink enough water
Saliva has a significant role in keeping the mouth clean and moist. At night, our mouth tends to lose moisture content and becomes dry, which leads to a foul breath in the morning. Keeping the body hydrated can effectively lower the chances of bad breath.

3. Eat parsley
Parsley is one of the most popular natural remedies for bad breath because of its deodorizing effect, and the fresh aroma of parsley can effectively fight the bad smell in the mouth.

4. Have yogurt
Lactobacillus is a healthy bacteria commonly found in yogurt, and it can fight other harmful bacteria in the body. Research shows that regular intake of yogurt can reduce foul smell in the mouth.

5. Sip on milk
Consumption of milk after eating foods with strong flavors like garlic or onion can help prevent bad breath.

6. Avoid foods that cause bad breath
Some foods like onion and garlic induce bad breath in the mouth, so it is better to avoid them to prevent bad breath.

7. Drink pineapple juice
One of the quickest natural remedies for bad breath is to drink pineapple juice.

8. Eat fennel seeds
Fennel seeds are quite useful in freshening the breath and are often used as mouth fresheners all over the globe.

9. Eat oranges
Oranges are a good source of vitamin C, which helps in the production of saliva. This helps as increased saliva prevents the mouth from getting dry, reducing bad breath.

10. Use a homemade mouthwash with vinegar
Vinegar consists of natural acid or acetic acid, which can decrease the growth of bacteria in the mouth, preventing bad breath.

11. Use baking soda
Sodium bicarbonate is effective in killing the bacteria that cause bad breath.

These natural remedies for bad breath are quite useful in treating this condition, but bad breath can also be a symptom of other pathological conditions of the body like renal failure and kidney disorders. So, it is advisable to visit a doctor for treating the condition if it is persistent.