Trigger Foods to Avoid for Migraine Patients

Trigger Foods to Avoid for Migraine Patients

Migraines are one of the most common problems that affect millions in the country. The severe forms of migraines may cause extreme, recurring pain for two to three days, while a mild migraine may last only for a few hours. Though there are certain preventive medicines available, migraine attacks can also be prevented by following a strict diet and avoiding any foods that may trigger the symptoms.

This is because almost everything that happens in our body is affected by our diet. People who have a history of recurring headaches and are at risk of migraines should strictly avoid these trigger foods for effective prevention:

1. Coffee
One of the most favored beverages, coffee is listed among the common trigger foods for migraines. The high caffeine content in coffee is known to aggravate the symptoms of the condition to a great extent. In some cases, caffeine can help in treating migraines and assist in relieving a headache, but individuals have experienced aggravated symptoms in case they suddenly discontinue coffee consumption.

2. Alcohol
Any alcohol containing histamine as an active ingredient often worsens the symptoms of migraines. This is especially noticeable in the case of red wines that have excess amounts of dietary histamine, and intolerance to this can cause severe migraines, rashes, nausea, and indigestion. Besides, excessive alcohol consumption is known to trigger headaches within 2 to 3 hours in some people, so it is best avoided.

3. Gluten
The intake of food with gluten can trigger migraine headaches if an individual is intolerant to dietary gluten, and switching to a gluten-free diet or one that has low gluten is one of the best solutions to alleviate the symptoms. In such cases, doctors or nutritionists advise patients to limit the consumption of wheat, rye, and barley, among other gluten-rich foods, in order to relieve pain.

4. Cheese
A considerable number of people are known to be sensitive to cheese because of the tyramine content, which is why it is listed among the trigger foods for migraines. However, keep in mind that the symptoms might not follow for fresh cheese. The compound primarily responsible for triggering severe headaches is formed during the process of decarboxylation of tyrosine, which takes place in aged cheese.

5. Chocolate
Chocolate is also one of the trigger foods for migraines as it contains caffeine and also small amounts of tyramine. Almost 22% of people reported having a migraine after chocolate consumption. Hard or dark chocolate should either be avoided by people with migraines or its consumption should be limited to alleviate the symptoms.

In some cases, people prefer to fast or skip meals if they become too busy, and even overworking to meet deadlines and manage poor schedules means they do not get the time to have a proper meal. However, this can cause severe effects on the body as depriving the body of necessary nutrients and vitamins may also trigger migraines.