Yoga as a Treatment for Arthritis

Yoga as a Treatment for Arthritis

Arthritis is a debilitating condition that can affect any age group. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there are various types of arthritis and no cure currently exists for most. Given this, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at old fashioned arthritis treatments, such as yoga to manage this condition.

Yoga is an ancient discipline that consists of various exercises, poses, and meditation techniques, designed to boost your health – both physically and mentally. It should be pointed out that this ancient practice has been taught for over 5000 years and was practiced widely in India. Given the fact that most of the modern medication can only help mitigate the pain associated with arthritis, it can be helpful to look at alternative treatments.

Yoga consists of various exercises and poses that can help alleviate some of the arthritis pain, reduce inflammation in the bone joints, and relieve your back pain. The therapeutic exercises and the resulting stretches, poses, and deep breathing can help alleviate arthritis pain. It can help you manage your condition and enable you to lead a better life. Here are some of the poses that are used as old fashioned arthritis treatments and have been proven to be effective in mitigating the debilitating pain associated with this condition.

1. Sun salutations
This yoga pose is a simple one and mainly consists of standing erect on a mat. Stand erect and slowly stretch your arms above your head, at full length. Now, exhale and bend over backward slowly. This should help stretch your spine and once you have reached the apex, inhale. Remember to take a single breath per movement and you can carry out any number of reps. One of the key benefits associated with this pose is the increased flexibility of the spine and stretching it. It should also help relieve any arthritis-induced lower back pain.

2. Child pose
This is another easy yoga pose. Here, you would have to drop to your knees, spread your knees, and bring your toes together. There are no fast movements in this pose. Now, inhale and exhale a few times and then, gently bring your head forward until it touches the ground. Make sure that your arms are clasped behind your back, during this pose. An advanced version is where you would be required to adopt the same position and to slowly bring your arms forward until they are stretched out in front of you. One of the key benefits of this pose is the increased flexibility of the spine and hip flexors.

These two poses should enable you to deal with arthritis and the debilitating pain more effectively.