Snoring Can be Reduced with These Bedtime Snacks
Snoring is the vibration of the respiratory structures and the sound that occurs due to the movement of air being obstructed while you breathe during sleep. Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder where your breathing starts and stops during sleep. Snoring is caused by the airway becoming blocked during sleep. Sleep apnea is when either the throat muscle relaxes and blocks the airway or the brain does not send the signals to the muscles of the throat. The symptoms of snoring may include sleep deprivation, daytime drowsiness, irritability, and lack of focus. Sleep apnea symptoms are things such as loud snoring, episodes where the person stops breathing, gasps for air, and wakes up with a dry mouth. There is also waking up with a headache, difficulty staying awake during the day (hypersomnia), insomnia, having difficulty paying attention, and irritability. The only real treatments for snoring are surgery or it can be treated using oral devices than keep your mouth in the open position and hold the tongue in place. The treatments for sleep apnea usually include a CPAP machine or in severe cases, surgery to relieve symptoms. For milder cases of snoring, doctors may recommend these foods to help reduce snoring: